TSUNAMI of 17 July 2006

A major earthquake with a magnitude of 7.7 occurred at 0819 UTC 17 July, 2006
and was located off the coast of Java (Jawa) (10.28S 107.82E).

The earthquake produced a locally destructive Tsunami that was observed at the following locations:


Country Arrival time Travel time

First Wave sign

Max wave height (cm)

Christmas I. Australia


0hr 18m + 82.7
Cocos I. Australia 09:50 1hr 31m + 11.9
Benoa Indonesia 09:48 1hr 29m + 24.3
Sabang Indonesia 12:06 3hr 47m + 11.9
Hillarys Australia 12:32 4hr 13m + 28.8
Broome Australia 13:02 4hr 43m + 4.5
Esperance Australia ~14:35 ~6hr 16m ? 19.5
Hanimaadhoo Maldives ~12:30 ~4hr 11m ? 21.4
Rodriguez Mauritius 15:04 6hr 45m + 73.8

The above tide gage information from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology and the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center was collected by Alexander B. Rabinovich, Institute of Ocean Sciences, Sidney, BC, Canada. for the  ITIC Tsunami Bulletin Board.

Latest statistics on human causalities according to Indonesian National Disaster Management Coordinating Agency on 7-26-2006:

Confirmed Deaths Estimated Deaths Injured Missing Displaced
668 550 595 287 74,100

Travel Time Map

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